Orthopedic and Movement Courses For Acupuncturists.
About the Teacher.
Derrick McBride LAc, CSCS
I began my career in the sports medicine world as a Strength and Conditioning Coach and assistant in physical therapy clinics. In 2005 I received my bachelor’s from University of Pittsburgh in Rehabilitation Science with an emphasis in Pathokinesiology and a minor in fitness. After graduation I moved to Santa Barbara, CA where I worked as a strength and conditioning coach out of a sports medicine facility. This is where I was introduced to Acupuncture and decided to move to Boulder, CO to attend Southwest Acupuncture College. Before I graduated I completed Whitfield Reaves’ Acupuncture Sports Medicine Apprenticeship. Since getting licensed in 2015, I have maintained a private practice treating amateur and professional athletes from the NFL, UFC, MLS, Red Bull, MLB, among others. Alongside private practice I assist Whitfield Reaves with his Apprenticeship Program, teach orthopedic and muscle testing, movement assessments and corrective exercise prescription at in person workshops and conferences throughout the US. As a long time strength coach at elite performance levels and an Acupuncturist, my goal is to make the word of orthopedics and rehab more accessible to other Acupuncturists.
About the Courses.
Movement Assessments and Corrective Exercises for the Acupuncturist
This series is broken into 3 weekend courses for a deep dive into functional movement assessments and corrective exercise programming. Course 1 covers the Neck and Shoulder. Course 2 covers the Mid Back, Low Back, and Hip. Course 3 covers the knee, ankle, and foot. In each course movement assessments for the most important movement patterns are taught. The assessments are used to determine functional vs dysfunctional movement patterns and to differentiate between mobility and motor control dysfunctions. Appropriate corrective exercises for mobility dysfunctions and motor control dysfunctions for each movement pattern will be shown. Progressions and regressions for each exercise will be taught so the practitioner will feel equipped to prescribe for any patient, from general population to professional athlete.
Orthopedic Testing And Muscle Testing for the Acupuncturist
This foundational course provides the Acupuncturist with the knowledge and hands on experience for some of the most useful and reliable tests for common musculoskeletal and neurological injuries. No other continuing education class for Acupuncturists devotes two days to building confidence in testing for the entire body. The students will receive helpful tips on patient positioning, cues, and supervised practice. We all know the most important part of a proper treatment plan is an accurate diagnosis. This course is designed to create just that.